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Jafco Roulette System Download

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Firstly, I am keen to make the updated Jafco Visual Roulette System as widely available as possible and to that end I am offering it at a new promotional price of £155, less than a single straight up winner! This is a great way to get started at pro-roulette play, and to confirm the true effectiveness of the Jafco roulette playing methods. The first film shows the latest versions of the classic Jafco visual roulette system in action. This is the most accurate of the two visual methods of play in that we gain this extra accuracy from betting within the last 10 seconds of the spin. Roulette Computer Hybrid 1.2. This is the most accurate Roulette Computer available on the market. The program is installed onto a small ipaq PDA and comes with all single player accessories, including the micro earpiece. The C program (Not Java) is embedded to a small pocket computer and provides the player with very accurate timing in. This purchase option is for players wanting the classic Jafco visual roulette system and the Jafco Dealer's Signature system. (options 1 and 3 together ) Buy it now £285 + £13.50 Secure worldwide post.

Visual roulette is one of the most practical and powerful ways to win big at the casino and as the name suggests, the most successful players will be those who are fast thinking and with good hand eye co-ordination. If that's not you, then you would be better oft playing my dealer signature system where we neutralize the action of the ball instead of visually reading it. The visual system for roulette has the greater winning margin potential because of our increased accuracy, however the dealer signature will provide the player with more options for play which could ultimately yield a greater return, albeit at a very slightly lower winning edge.

The big roulette playing factors remain the same for both the visual and the dealer signature roulette systems, and it is the way in which we apply the playing method that differs. Essentially, the visual system play style would be the first choice for all players who are able to bet inside the last 6 revolutions of the ball and who are comfortable with their visual skill levels. (like sports players, good drivers and video gamers) and then the five dealer signature styles of play will cover anything where we are required to bet earlier.

The very latest in roulette prediction software
Including our latest new program, the p
red7-X. 2014

Pred 7 is an established roulette predicting program, which we have installed onto the pocket size Ipaq 2210 PDA computer. The station is linked to a switch set and connected to an induction loop, enabling a link to probably, the world's smallest earpiece.

Modern day roulette revolves around the 4, or more vertical metal pins positioned on the wheel. When clocking roulette wheels with 1 or 2 vertical pins in play, Pred 7 will find the hotspot overlap position. This type of game will yield astronomical margin levels. When all four vertical pins are in play (non-bias) Pred 7 will select both of the two hotspot overlap positions, yielding a lower yet still very powerful margin level.

To win in todays game it is critical that your software can cope with non-tilted wheels and this really is the third and new dimension of roulette play. We used to think that these biased roulette wheels were only caused by wear and tear, or poor manufacture, but in fact it happens to nearly all wheels at certain times, and this is closely related to gravity and weather conditions, which together have a great effect on the ever-changing roulette ball action.

The wheel clocker makes an assessment of a good wheel and then, using the program's menu, can set up to play that wheel and it's own unique character - all roulette wheels have what is known as a` signature`.

Pred 7 has many new and unique tools within its menu, enabling the clocker to make the tiniest of alterations to suit the ever-changing playing conditions. Let's look at some of the features:

First, the clocker makes a profile (sample) of the current ball action, and the individual revolution times for each direction are logged with a view to matchmaking during playmode.

Playmode has many great features, including the need for only one switch during actual play instead of one for the wheel and one for the ball. In addition, the clocker can click on a full or half wheel time without having to decide until after the throw has started. The roulette wheel clocker can also start timing the zero from two different positions, which saves time.

With the spin matchmaking process we have invented our own moveable window mechanism. The window sets the perfect amount of time for making a match and can be adjusted in many ways so you can follow the ball action as it starts to run longer or shorter than minutes earlier. The huge advantage of this method is that it enables the roulette clocker to continue to play without having to stop and continually enter a new ball profile (sample). The roulette ball can travel varying distances depending on different temperatures and pressures so the clocker will be given helpful information as they continue to play through such changes.
In this first Pred7 video I am simulating a machine type wheel where the wheel is pushed, followed later with a random ball throw. This test video will show how it is possible to bet as early as we want, even on the basis of a single ball revolution time.

Gioco roulette on line gratis. The New Jafco Pred7X

Roulette Computer Program

Bias and Level Roulette Wheel Predictor

After 5 years online, and with many successful customers from all around the world, I am now very pleased to announce the launch of my new Pred7-X roulette program predictor.

Staying ahead of the game is very important with roulette and my new program is yet another example of just that.

The ‘X' is for ‘extras' and the many new and innovative features of the ever evolving roulette Predictor Program.

1. Level roulette wheel prediction is one of the most complex challenges for roulette system designers and professional players alike. Until now, I have never seen any valid system for such conditions, but this is all going to change with the Pred7-X system technology. In fact the more level the wheel is the better it will be!

In addition, we have also added new tools to the better known Jafco bias roulette wheel menu, almost certainly the world's most powerful type of roulette prediction. Simply enter your game type selection for playing 1,2,3 pins or level wheel.

2. Players will now have the option of playing between1 and 4 bet selections. This means we could bet on a half wheel section or in the case of the 3 pin and level roulette wheel prediction, we will have automatically separated bet positions in order to take advantage of the multiple hot betting zones. This is where audio prediction becomes critical compared to vibration style computer prediction, where the player would not be able to do this effectively.

3. Customers playing the Pred7-X will have the option to use the now fully developed hands free clocker, a great new product. (Patent Applied) This is an extra option that we recommend to players with a month or two of playing experience.

4. The unique Pred7 adjustable prediction window now moves in smaller time increments (10 milliseconds per click) allowing players to extend the window edges for maximum accuracy and more bets.

5. Often the roulette ball action is affected by drag spin conditions and we have further developed the drag settings in the menu. It is this feature that enables the earliest prediction of any roulette computer anywhere. In certain circumstances this could be as early as the very first full ball revolution. (see the early bet video)

This is the lastest Pred7 X program in action, where I can cover half of the roulette wheel using four neighbour bets.

Jafco Roulette
The 'Straight Eight'

And this paticular one is an amazing 208,127 to 1 hit !

See More Videos
Including the Pred 7 1.5 million to 1 hit !

Other menu items include setting up an aim point, adjusting the cue set to match a specific roulette wheel's deceleration, readjusting both the bounce and window size as desired, and selecting the number layout for either American or European roulette. For the advanced roulette player we also have a drag and dial button for adjusting the total time to landing. This allows a talented roulette wheel clocker to perfect their intended final bet position, and it also enables the roulette computer to automatically reduce time allocated when it notices that a ball spin is being affected by drag, resulting in an earlier than normal arrival at the pin.

Genuine Comments by Real Customers.

Jafco Roulette System Download

Hi John

Thank you again for your unfailing commitment to customer service.

As you know I have been extremely impressed with the visual system I bought from you and I found it hard to imagine that the 'Pred' computer could be any better.

Having seen 'Pred' in action and had the chance to compare both systems it was a very easy decision to upgrade and I am enjoying 'Pred' even more than I thought I would!

You have two fantastic products and your readiness to support them has made it a pleasure to deal with you.


Hi John

Thank you again for your unfailing commitment to customer service.

As you know I have been extremely impressed with the visual system I bought from you and I found it hard to imagine that the 'Pred' computer could be any better.

Having seen 'Pred' in action and had the chance to compare both systems it was a very easy decision to upgrade and I am enjoying 'Pred' even more than I thought I would!

You have two fantastic products and your readiness to support them has made it a pleasure to deal with you.

Again, my thanks for everything John and do keep an eye out for those friends of mine who will be calling you soon.


TG / Spain

Hi John,
Very glad to hear from you. I am very well as usual and making good income using
Pred7. Thanks to you for introducing it to me!
S R. Overseas Customer

I have seen 1st hand your visual systems and also the predictor, and it is just amazing. Before a ball is even spun, before we contemplate roulette there are 2/3 variable conditions which we need to take into account and any 'pro' who doesn't is not a pro. John you are the best player and you have the best system in the world, and I'm just grateful to have you on my doorstep or rather 127 miles away. And I have had 1st hand experience of the margins myself.


We offer a full demonstration and free training on a live wheel

Continue the tour and see our videos

New Pred Testimonials (Updated October 2012)

T.D Australia

Thanks again, I forgot to mention, after roughly 1200 bets my odds on hitting a single number are around 1 in 22.

Out of curiosity what are the average odds that you and other players have hitting a single number over the long term?

From a customer in Greece

How are you my friend?

John I have great news!!!

I was some days ago in casino and I had with me the simple switch in my pocket and I just record some spins!!

The results are amazing my friend!!!!!!!

From 18 spins I get 11 spins correct and from these 11 spins the 4 was exactly the number that I heard in my ear

and 2 of them were double paying because with my way of plying I have to put my bet in this way that means double paying!!

Testimonial from a visitor and seen on a roulette forum.

Yesterday I met with John (a co-developer of Pred7) at his home in London. John is a very amiable, unassuming chap and, more importantly, a lifelong roulette enthusiast. Even more importantly, he is definitely not Mark Howe/Stefano etc. He is also very much a British national, if that is of any significance.
All I'm going to say about the prediction device is that it appears to work very well. I used it personally on a live wheel. The wheel's tilt was adjusted during the session to incorporate varying diamond/pin bias (starting with a two pin bias, altering to three and then four). I managed several direct hits during 45 mins or so of live play.
It's worth pointing out that I spent six hours or so in John's company. He provided me with a very full demonstration and explanation of the device/system. At no point did he suggest I parted with any money.
I think anyone still looking for a device and still in possession of an open mind could do a lot worse than at least take a closer look.
I have no ulterior motive and am in NO WAY connected to the company.
Good luck all.

Customer from Italy.

the new switch it's also great.. i fitted it xxxxxxxxx and it's really invisible, great.. really, you are a genius :)


I had another win of around 10k last night but i managed to keep it hidden as casino was very busy and a friend cashed out the chips for me, i had put some cash over the table so it all looked good.


Great product, john is very helpful and very nice guy. I purchased the Pred 7 two player option. Made £900 in first 3 days. -- Highly recommended

B. Australia


It's frightening how accurate it is - I'm kicking your ass on the video at the moment. I haven't even read the manual yet!

Very Recent Visual system customer.

I bought roulette dealer and visual signature. I am very happy with these products, I wanted to thank you for your advice and your professionalism. Now, I want information on Pred 7 computer roulette. I am very interested to buy it.

If you are searching for a genuine long term winning system that really does work then it is vital to select your best option and avoid all the rubbish.

Jafco Roulette System Download Free

Bet Staking systems; also referred to as progressive betting methods should be avoided at all costs. The fundamentals involve increasing the size of your bet as you lose, so that when you win you will retrieve your losses. They are mathematically sound until you build in factors such as the table limits, your own limits, the casino edge, and the frightening prospect of having to outlay thousands of chips just to win back your initial small starting chip. Some may last days or even weeks but the eventual losing outcome is as predictable as the sun rising ! It is the most obvious system of all and you must ask yourself the question; if this method works, how are the casinos still in business?

Biased Number Roulette; I'm sure we have all dreamt of a number coming up more often than it should and indeed this can happen, and when it does it is by far the easiest system available. Indeed, before the 1980's and especially in the early part of the last century this system enabled many players to win millions. It is easy to comprehend that wear and tear and especially metal fatigue on the number pockets might quite easily create biased numbers or zones of numbers. Sadly things have moved on and there are now too many countermeasures.

Firstly, technology has obviously improved, using stronger metals and having equipment to detect internal metal cracking. Casinos are more aware of the importance of wheel maintenance. Many casinos track their winning numbers but above all, wheels are now twisted, moved or discarded at the slightest sniff of such a bias.

Furthermore, many wheels have a number plate that can be secretly rotated during downtime which would completely alter the position of such biased numbers. A genuine hot number cannot be detected until the player has clocked at least 1000 spins in each direction. One of the worst aspects is the time wasted trying to find these special wheels and it could take a year or two or more! Our advice is to play a genuine system but always keep your eye out for a biased wheel. In twenty five years of playing we only came across two such wheels and the profits were amazing but didn't last long before both wheels were dumped.

Bias Pin wheels; We are getting closer to the real deal here with this method which involves live roulette where the wheel shows a more modern day type of bias. Basically, because of poor manufacture, wear and tear or even a tilted ball track, where the ball will nearly always land on one out of the four metal pins and this takes away the randomness of roulette. If you know where the ball will land and you know the wheel speed then you can position your bet neatly by the pin as the ball lands ! However like so many methods these wheels are also very hard to find as there has been a massive throw out program, especially during the last couple of years when many casinos have experienced an influx of extraordinary winners, even to the point where some casinos were beginning to lose money. Our advice is not to buy into any system that relies on single pin dominance only. If you are already a professional wheel clocker who is currently finding it difficult to find single pin wheels, then let us know as we are sure we can help with our 2, 3 and 4 pin game styles.

Pred 7 software is designed to play both tilted and non tilted wheels. When you find 1 and 2 pin tables it will provide the player with astronomical margins. More significantly though, Pred 7 will also cope very well with those wheels that show little or no pin bias!

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Jafco Roulette System Download Torrent

Jafco Roulette System Download Software

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